Sunday 28 April 2013

the first kick.


So yesterday i think i felt the first kick of my little one. hehehe. on the 26th of April, i had my 4th (or 5th?) check up. I was expecting to see the baby's gender but my dr refused to do the ultrasound. sad :(
she said its not necessary to do the ultrasound every month. alaaaaa. but im a first timer, obviously i want to see my baby...oh well, it's okay, lets just say ada hikmah.

So later in the evening, i suddenly had diarrhea. it was so pain and i was shivering in the loo. i brought my handphone (haha) in case anything happened to me in the loo. alhamdulillah i managed to get a hold of myself. so i think i went to the toilet for...more than 3 times?

Last resort, i took two panadols that the doctor prescribed me with when i had back ache and hubby made a warm drink for me i knocked out. when i was sleeping my hubby thought i was dead because i look too pale. lol! when i woke up, he went "by you makan folic acid, makan ayam nak? wedges?" and i looked at him 0.o what's wrong with you? hehe. he said "you looked so pale, ni you dah berbual baru nampak mcm ada darah". then i saw his laptop is one 'how to increase red blood cell' lol! sayang lah juga rupanya.

That was the other day.

On 27th April, I was sitting doing my assignment and munching biscuits. Suddenly I felt soft punch in my tummy. I wasn't paying attention to it, until the third punch I thought it must be something. So I placed my hand on my tummy and tada! I was kicked. Hehehe. Naughty you! The feeling was surreal! I thought I was dreaming or maybe it was just ME. So I put my hand again and i felt a few kicks after that. Alhamdulillah, you're moving inside. Ummy was worried of you my little helwa... Kick often ok, I'm anticipating it!

I told hubby about it and since he was still half awake, he went "Oh really, bagus gitu, tendang banyak2".. lol. Oh oh but the other day, your Aby placed his head on my tummy and I was sooooo happy. Your Aby is so sweet these days, Ummy hope he is very happy with Ummy and you, little helwa! <3 I cant wait to go for the next ultrasound.