Thursday 18 July 2013

30th Week


Diam tak diam i'm already 30 weeks pregnant! which means I am 6-10 weeks away from labour pain, contractions and all what nots. Subhanallah.

Subhanallah. That's the only word I would use to describe my pregnancy journey. Every single thing of it just amazes me, especially knowing that a human is growing in me. Each movement he makes, from kicking to burping amuse me. I can also say that my pregnancy is easy! I have no morning sickness like some of my friends, when I got to know that I am pregnant, I was still studying in UM. Happily studying in UM. I don't feel burdened at all, like I mentioned, it's an easy journey. I hope labour would be easy too, insyaAllah!

I have not washed my baby's wears yet. The other day I was arranging his clothes properly and I came to realize that I bought too many clothes. I should stop buying anymore but, heheee I am still buying :P Too cutelah, could not resist. Dah ramai advised not to buy newborn wear cos baby grows up fast. So, I actually bought yang 3-6 months onwards. Hahaa. Lagi cute!

By the way, it's ramadhan now. Ramadhan has been good too. I intend to fast fully this month, insyaallah. May Allah bless me n baby with gd health. We shall do it for Allah, ok little boy? :)

Okaylah ummy is sleepy. By the way, ummy and abah got our results already. abah's results not tt satisfying, but he has redha.. ummy tried to redha too, but still, ummy knows aby is sad. its ok, ummy shall continue praying for aby, for all d gd things to happen to him :)